A Few VACA Pics While We Were in Maine
Make a Smilebox greeting
OOOOOOOOHH! I Made This Halloweeny Apron for the Swap!
Say Hello to My Fluffy Friend!
Well, I just got back from a week’s vaca, stepped over the dirty laundry, and came up to my sewing room and created my little (big) applique’ apron, just for me! I loved our vaca, and know I’m so lucky, but toward the end of the week my fingers were itchin’ to create and stitch. […]
I’m Naming Itchin 2 B Stitchin’s Dress Form!
Well, I’m still a timid gal, but I just saw a contest on Itchin 2 B Stitchin’s blog. She says to name her form… I thought, when I first laid eyes on “her”, “Dialila”! Cuz she has dials adorning her front regions! I cain’t help it. She told me her name, plain as day. QuirkyKim […]
My Very First Blog!
Wow. I go from surfing fabric.com to clicking on aprons, to stumbling upon the Sassy Apron Swap! She asks for a “Blog” address. Hmmm. Don’t have such a thing. Have a website that doesn’t get many hits, but no blog. I click and stumble some more… I click on the logo for Blogger in the […]